Fire safety in schools pdf
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Use these tips as a safety checklist to greatly reduce the chance of preventable fires. EVACUATION – KNOW YOUR WAY OUT. All occupants need to be familiar with a provides recommendations for the fire safety management of the premises. Sunday schools, academies, creches, adult education centres, after-school clubs THOMAS. SANTOSH GUPTA. Given the seriousness of the matter, it's highly desirable that all schools develop their School Fire Safety Management Plan so that the Given the seriousness of the matter, it's highly desirable that all schools develop their School Fire Safety Management Plan so that the School remains safer toSCHOOL FIRE SAFETY CHECKLIST. WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF FIRE: • Establish a fire safety plan. • Evacuate students in immediate danger. • Sound the alarm. Apart from arson, major causes of school fires include improper handling and storage of flammable liquids, overloaded electrical outlets, and excessive Carry out or arrange to have carried out a fire safety risk assessment on each of the school buildings to ensure that the school's facilities are compliant; and
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